Sunday, December 12, 2010

Self Evaluation of my academic year

Well, I`m going to talk about my last academic year in this University, it's the end of it and it's time to do a self evaluation. It was not easy but it is necessary to do it, for improve the bad things and keep doing the good ones. Anybody says this will be easy, but it's really, really hard to be a student of Medicine Veterinary and also in the University of Chile, because we have a prestige to take care of it and we all called to be the best in our fields, not just with the animals, to do this a better place to live too.

This year it was very hard, so many subjects to study, memorice and learning, but personally I think I improved my responsability , the past year I was so lazy and this was very bad, I could not take all the subjects normally and I was late, but I think I improved in this area, but not enough, always can be better. It was a very stressful semester, with so much subject-matter in a very short time that it was almost impossible to pass all of it, almost for me.
The first semester of this year was less stressful of this one (and that has not even finished), we used to have a little more leisure to have a good time with friends, been more relax and just have time to rest, not like now, we hardly have time to sleep a little time to wake up and go to the U and do a test, finish it, go back to house but not to rest, to studying for another test for the next day, and keep doing that all week.

I think if we would have more time, or less subjects to do in semester, our performance will be better, we learning more and better, we would not finish with reproved subjects, or it would be less than now, and we would have a more healthy life. I have to say my friends was a very important pillar on my life as student, they always give me mood to keep going and supporting me in the hardest subjects for me.

I hope all of us will finish this year as better as possible, and put it on more strongh and patience for the next years we have left, that there not a few, but we have passed two of them, just another three (or four to people like me) years and we will be the better Vets in here, so can we say Mission Accomplished.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Challenges in Vet

I think the most challenge in our career is to find a good job, there are so many vets, and many of them are very inefficient, that we would be very difficult to find a job, but I think that being a vet of this faculty we have a very good reputation and we must take care of it.
In other side, the technology in here is not very updated, but that, I think, makes us better professionals to work in the country side where all we can have will be a stethoscope and with that and our knowledge we will know what happened to the animals.
I think in other places where teach vet, where they have so much technology, they will not be a good vets, because if in somewhere they don't have the instruments they will not be able to make a good diagnosis.
Another thing we have to do as a professional, will be to educate to the population, like the animal's responsible ownership and this stuff, but not educate just in our field, in general aspects too.
Another challenge that we have is ourself integrity, for example in my case, I want to work with horses, I have to take care of any movement of the animal to not being hurt us and the animal too. It will be great if we can have another person who would help us and let us finish the treatment as soon as possible.

I think that are the most importat challenges in our career, as a professional and as a veterinarian, and all of this are solvable and without a lot of cost.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The 10 greatest discoveries of zoology

I chose this article, I found it very interesting and it's from our area.
It's an article that discusses of The 10 greatest discoveries of Zoology, talks about the book of Aristoteles called The History of Animals too, that it's a document the behaviour and characteristics of hundreds of species.
The list of the greatest discoveries is:

10) Tool use by chimps: I'm agree with that, because they are so intelligent that they use the stripped leaves from twigs and inserted them into termite mounts to catch them and eat them, just awesome.

9) Symbiosis in coral: I did not really know this, wich deals that coral called polyps, to survive, does a symbiotic relationship with photosynthesising algae called zooxanthellae. This way the polyps can get the photosynthesis products of algae and algae have a safe haven inside the polyps.

8) How the giant squid hunts: I don't consider so impresive, it's a giant squid hunts that lives at such inaccessible depths and some japanese scientists takes photos of it.

7)Migration routes: the birds migrate with the change of the seasons. Not really interesting, for me at least.

6)Mendelian inheritance: this is important because is the start of studies of a genetic inheritance. Mendel discover that showed that each new generation received "elements" from both of its parents, with the experiment of grew of pea plants.

5)Death of the dodo: this extinction shows the human impact on wildlife, so sad and still happen with some animals and important people doesn't care about it, just want to have more money.

4)Hydrothermal vents: the discovery of marine creatures living around geothermally heated water put the hypothesis that the sun is the holder of the whole Earth living.

3)Photosynthesis: this is an important support of the life on Earth too, because use the waste of humans to convert it in Oxygen and some more products. This is very important and we have to protect the plants and plant more to have a better environment.

2)Microscopic life: this discovery is very important because for this we can see microorganism and see how they work and live. It's important for make vaccines and this stuff.

1)Transitional species: discovery of the fossilised remains of Archaeopteryx, an animal with features of ancient reptiles and modern bird, had wings and feathers, but also claws, teeth and a long, bony tail. It was a very important discovery because help in the evolution hypothesis of some animals.

It was a very interesting article because have very important discoveries that help to the biological world, like the microscope to help the human development.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Improving our Faculty

To start I love my faculty, it's very big and you have to many places where you can be without annoying noise, but of course, it can be better.
I think Mundo Granja can be so much better for visits and for animals too. I think it needs cleaning and painting, signs with the info of each animal and improvements for animals, like more shadows and best feeders. It would be a very nice place for us and animals.
I also think is not nice to have like 160 classmates in a classroom, for the concentration of the students and teachers either. I think a good idea will be separate the class and the performance of each students will be much better.
To practice with animals, we need more animals because as we are many students, the animals don't reach, and we need more practice for our professional future.
Another thing that we need is have better computer room, the computers are so slow and inefficient that we can not work on it.
The casino I think it will be remodeling, to have more space, because in the rainy days in the lunch time, is almost impossible to have space for your lunch, and the prices in there are not so good because it's the only option that we have to lunch in our faculty.
I think if we improve this points, the faculty will be so much nicer and comfortable to stay in there.

Monday, November 8, 2010


My favorite movie is Shottas. The movie start with two young friends who make mischief in their poor neighborhood located in Kingston, Jamaica. In one of their adventures, with twelve years each one, they rob a soda truck and shoot the truck driver. After that they realize they can earn easy money assaulting. After some little theft, they decide to travel to Miami to assault important and millionaire people. The protagonist, now adults still assaulting and earning a lot of money. They buy big houses and beautiful and expensive cars and motorcycles. Large round after they are deported to Jamaica where they miss the Miami Life, easy and luxury. They decide go back to Miami and become the boss of the city, with problems with big drug dealers, the Police and politicians, but all solved with their tough personality and guns.
The protagonists are Ky-Mani Marley and Spragga Benz and I saw it like 4 years ago. The movie was film in 2002 and it's a crime film.
I like this movie because have a lot of action and so much guns and bullets everywhere and acs Ky-Mani Marley, one of the Bob Marley´s son.
And I don't know, I like the Gangster Rude Boy Style.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Favourite animal :D

mmm I like many animals, I like big dogs, the majesty of the lion but my favourite animal it's the horse. For me it has all, they are fast, elegant, has courage, and I don't know I love the size, for me they have the perfect harmonic.
Between the race I prefer the Percheron, it's not so much tall but it's very powerful and has well-developed musculature.

Since I was a child I love them, when I was to the countryside to visit my family, they have horses and I used to riding them or just look them for hours, and when I was young me and my family always go to the south of Chile, and always we see a lot of herds of horses and we always compete for example who see a white horse first :P
I never got one but when I'm close to one I just admire it and if I can riding it much better, I will riding all the time as can is possible, and now as I know a little more about them I will review them as a true vet :P
I will love work with them, first here in Santiago in the Hippodrome or something like that and later in the south, have a plat there and be an expert in horses who can travel around the world solving their problems and obviously have a couple in my house.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Visiting Santiago

After my foreign friends should arrived to Santiago, I should invited them to a relaxing place like my house, for a delicious and tipic food, and for they known about a typical family from Chile, how we live and other things that they was interested in. Later we would go to Fantasilandia, for a funny day and for they known the biggest fun park here in Chile, I know they could see a better ones :P but they can compare and they can judge if Fantasilandia it's a good place to be in for have a lot of fun. We would walk around the O'Higgins's Park and we would eat and drink something typical like Mote con Huesillos or something like that.
For the most cultural people we would go to La Moneda and for the most sports ones we would go to a match of the popular football team and the only champion, obviously Colo-Colo, to support them with the typical songs and visit the Monumental's Stadium.
Also we can visit the San Cristobal's Hill to walk and see the Virgin in the top, we can go to the National Zoo too, and see the different species that can lives in this weather, and they can compare with the animals that lives in their country. They probably will see a lot of new animals that they doesn't know after come to here.
And finally, as I am sure they love the good music like me, we would go to a concert of Reggae or Rap music in Caupolican's Theatre, SCD room or something like that to chill out and have a very good time.
After all of that I hope my foreign visit would not be bored and they would have a fun and interesting days here in Santiago.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Death Penalty

Uuuff Death Penalty...a very controversial topic...
I'm agree with that just in some cases after thinking a lot about it. It's true that all of us have rights but what happen when someone rapes a little girl and later kill her? I don't know but I think like her parents and the only thing I would want is to see this man dead...I know it sounds cruel, but it's my daughter, a big part of me. When I see in the news cases where a baby sitter hits a little baby I can't stop thinking in my little brother and if someone hits him I'm sure that my reaction don't would the better one.
I also think the criminals would think one more time before to do a crime, and if not, thought coldly, let live a person like that instead of someone innocent? I really don't think so. It's also true that all of us have one more chance, but what happen with people who have three or more homicides in her records? Give them another chance to kill more people? I really don't think so either.
I don't know but I think in some states of USA have this law and I don't know the numbers if the homicides or other high crimes was decrease but I think it will work for a country with less high and horrible crimes, obviously after thinking a loooot about it.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Country I would like to visit

First...after to finish my career I would like to travel around the world, working where I could and earning some money for keep traveling, but specially I would like visit Jamaica and Ethiopia and if I could live there helping people who need it and far away of the stress of a big city.
I would go to Jamaica because I think it's a very relaxing country, with beautiful places to visit like beaches and the Bob Marley's museum to know a little bit more about him and his life style because I love his music, was a very good man and I'm very internalized about the Rastafari's religion.
By the same I would go to Ethiopia, cause it's the cot of this religion by the born of a King called Haile Selassie who helped black people who was slaves for white people, by the same He was called the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. I would like go there to know about the people who live there and helped with my knowledge about animals or just what they need me. I think they are very humble people and full of peace in their hearts, I know they have a lot of concerns and I would try to help them.
I really will love go there and work where I want, I don't care make a short amount of money, just for live, I will be happy if I live without stress and knowing very interesting people to share experiences of life.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Well I don't like to much the new system of transport. I think Transantiago was a very good idea but we are in Chile and the organizators are not enough good for their jobs.
I think the best thing of this it's to don't deal with the driver in the moment to pay, before always I had problems, bad faces or just they didn't give the ticket when I payed student.
Another good thing was the pollution, I know that many of the old machines was just painted, but the new buses are more "eco" than old ones.
The dressed of the drivers change too, before theirs used their own clothes, but now almost all of them use the company clothes, they see more tidy and cleaner than before.

But I don't know, the old system remembers me my school life, running behind the bus, doing jokes with my friends and traveling with my parents. I remember that all buses stoped in any place so if you didn't know how to arrive to a place you could stop it and take another bus, and I was a school student I just said "permiso" and I could cross all the city without pay.

I think to improve the system more buses are needed and have the control of all of them, so the organizators can handling the period of time between buses. For example each 15 minutes pass a bus, that was the idea, but I don't know what happened because usually I wait at least 30 minutes to a bus and later come 3 buses with the same rout so this is frustrating.

Well I just have to get used to it and I hope the new system of transport Transantiago will be better, like the politician promised to.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

In my last semester I was studied a lot of really interesting things, and really hard courses that spend me a lot of time. It was hard but I approved all my courses except Anatomy, that I was almost reproved the first semester, so I'm some delayed but I hope pass all this semester.
I admited that I was so lazy and sometimes I was sleep in the class, but this going to change now.
Cause all the time spended in the University's stuff I didn't have much free time, so I couldn't see my friends, but usually we met in a friend house to talk and have fun. With my girlfriend we went out a lot, to Malls, Cinema, Zoo or just rest saw tv.
I didn't do a lot of sport... sometimes a football matches with my classmates and friends, usually exercises in my house or just run behind the bus.

In my family I wasn't so much troubles, so thats makes me easier my student life, and my girlfriend supported me a lot too, and when I was a little listless, always was a friend who give me a supported word to lift my spirit.