Thursday, September 9, 2010

In my last semester I was studied a lot of really interesting things, and really hard courses that spend me a lot of time. It was hard but I approved all my courses except Anatomy, that I was almost reproved the first semester, so I'm some delayed but I hope pass all this semester.
I admited that I was so lazy and sometimes I was sleep in the class, but this going to change now.
Cause all the time spended in the University's stuff I didn't have much free time, so I couldn't see my friends, but usually we met in a friend house to talk and have fun. With my girlfriend we went out a lot, to Malls, Cinema, Zoo or just rest saw tv.
I didn't do a lot of sport... sometimes a football matches with my classmates and friends, usually exercises in my house or just run behind the bus.

In my family I wasn't so much troubles, so thats makes me easier my student life, and my girlfriend supported me a lot too, and when I was a little listless, always was a friend who give me a supported word to lift my spirit.


  1. Xalin, you already know that I love your blog, but I want that you help me to put music in mine, I'm not an expert in computers, so a little help for me will not be bad...

    Ps: I have already created a playlist in

    that's all... thanks

  2. my baby love!!! its feels so weird writing to you in english but i think its gonna be fun :D
    your blog its so cool i want one too. would you help me??

    PS dont help simon because he is a nena!
