Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Improving our Faculty

To start I love my faculty, it's very big and you have to many places where you can be without annoying noise, but of course, it can be better.
I think Mundo Granja can be so much better for visits and for animals too. I think it needs cleaning and painting, signs with the info of each animal and improvements for animals, like more shadows and best feeders. It would be a very nice place for us and animals.
I also think is not nice to have like 160 classmates in a classroom, for the concentration of the students and teachers either. I think a good idea will be separate the class and the performance of each students will be much better.
To practice with animals, we need more animals because as we are many students, the animals don't reach, and we need more practice for our professional future.
Another thing that we need is have better computer room, the computers are so slow and inefficient that we can not work on it.
The casino I think it will be remodeling, to have more space, because in the rainy days in the lunch time, is almost impossible to have space for your lunch, and the prices in there are not so good because it's the only option that we have to lunch in our faculty.
I think if we improve this points, the faculty will be so much nicer and comfortable to stay in there.

1 comment:

  1. To start I love my faculty, it's very big and you have to many places where you can be without annoying noise, but of course, it can be better.
    I think Mundo Granja can be so much better for visits and for animals too. I think it needs cleaning and painting, signs with the info of each animal and improvements for animals, like more shadows and best feeders. It would be a very nice place for us and animals.
    I also think is not nice to have like 160 classmates in a classroom, for the concentration of the students and teachers either. I think a good idea will be separate the class and the performance of each students will be much better.
    To practice with animals, we need more animals because as we are many students, the animals don't reach, and we need more practice for our professional future.
    Another thing that we need is have better computer room, the computers are so slow and inefficient that we can not work on it.
    The casino I think it will be remodeling, to have more space, because in the rainy days in the lunch time, is almost impossible to have space for your lunch, and the prices in there are not so good because it's the only option that we have to WW lunch in our faculty.
    I think if we improve this points, the faculty will be so much nicer and comfortable to stay in there.

    well done! I agree with the cafeteria part since there is not enough space!
