Thursday, September 30, 2010

Country I would like to visit

First...after to finish my career I would like to travel around the world, working where I could and earning some money for keep traveling, but specially I would like visit Jamaica and Ethiopia and if I could live there helping people who need it and far away of the stress of a big city.
I would go to Jamaica because I think it's a very relaxing country, with beautiful places to visit like beaches and the Bob Marley's museum to know a little bit more about him and his life style because I love his music, was a very good man and I'm very internalized about the Rastafari's religion.
By the same I would go to Ethiopia, cause it's the cot of this religion by the born of a King called Haile Selassie who helped black people who was slaves for white people, by the same He was called the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. I would like go there to know about the people who live there and helped with my knowledge about animals or just what they need me. I think they are very humble people and full of peace in their hearts, I know they have a lot of concerns and I would try to help them.
I really will love go there and work where I want, I don't care make a short amount of money, just for live, I will be happy if I live without stress and knowing very interesting people to share experiences of life.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Well I don't like to much the new system of transport. I think Transantiago was a very good idea but we are in Chile and the organizators are not enough good for their jobs.
I think the best thing of this it's to don't deal with the driver in the moment to pay, before always I had problems, bad faces or just they didn't give the ticket when I payed student.
Another good thing was the pollution, I know that many of the old machines was just painted, but the new buses are more "eco" than old ones.
The dressed of the drivers change too, before theirs used their own clothes, but now almost all of them use the company clothes, they see more tidy and cleaner than before.

But I don't know, the old system remembers me my school life, running behind the bus, doing jokes with my friends and traveling with my parents. I remember that all buses stoped in any place so if you didn't know how to arrive to a place you could stop it and take another bus, and I was a school student I just said "permiso" and I could cross all the city without pay.

I think to improve the system more buses are needed and have the control of all of them, so the organizators can handling the period of time between buses. For example each 15 minutes pass a bus, that was the idea, but I don't know what happened because usually I wait at least 30 minutes to a bus and later come 3 buses with the same rout so this is frustrating.

Well I just have to get used to it and I hope the new system of transport Transantiago will be better, like the politician promised to.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

In my last semester I was studied a lot of really interesting things, and really hard courses that spend me a lot of time. It was hard but I approved all my courses except Anatomy, that I was almost reproved the first semester, so I'm some delayed but I hope pass all this semester.
I admited that I was so lazy and sometimes I was sleep in the class, but this going to change now.
Cause all the time spended in the University's stuff I didn't have much free time, so I couldn't see my friends, but usually we met in a friend house to talk and have fun. With my girlfriend we went out a lot, to Malls, Cinema, Zoo or just rest saw tv.
I didn't do a lot of sport... sometimes a football matches with my classmates and friends, usually exercises in my house or just run behind the bus.

In my family I wasn't so much troubles, so thats makes me easier my student life, and my girlfriend supported me a lot too, and when I was a little listless, always was a friend who give me a supported word to lift my spirit.